• Some Clients: Balfour Beatty, NHS-SBS, Galliford Try, Frulact, Wood, Wincanton, Clinigen. Make DMOne™ platform a part of your cloud implementation strategy

DMOne allows customers the freedom to manage their data without worrying about the technicalities of how it’s extracted from source systems or loaded to target systems.

Why did we create


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    Data migration needs to be Quick, Efficient and Cost Effective

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    Over 75% of cloud implementations are delayed due to data issues.

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    These are often detected late in the day and result in increased project costs.

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    Data migration is generally ad-hoc with very little business ownership and visibility. This leads to lost time, reduced confidence and fatigue in the business users providing the data.

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    For many organisations living with poor quality data is business as usual.


What Challenges does it overcome?


What Activities does it support?

Benefits of using DMOne™ Cloud

Reduced Turnaround Time – Shorter migration Cycles and Fewer migration Cycles
Traceability of data from source to target at
each step of the migration process:

Benefits for project team:

Use Cases

DMOne Platform

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