• Some Clients: Balfour Beatty, NHS-SBS, Galliford Try, Frulact, Wood, Wincanton, Clinigen. Make DMOne™ platform a part of your cloud implementation strategy

DMOne™ Platform

Why did we create


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    Data migration needs to be Quick, Efficient and Cost Effective

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    Over 75% of cloud implementations are delayed due to data issues.

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    These are often detected late in the day and result in increased project costs.

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    Data migration is generally ad-hoc with very little business ownership and visibility. This leads to lost time, reduced confidence and fatigue in the business users providing the data.

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    For many organisations living with poor quality data is business as usual.

What Challenges does it overcome?


What Activities does it support?

Benefits of using DMOne™ Cloud

Reduced Turnaround Time – Shorter migration Cycles and Fewer migration Cycles
Traceability of data from source to target at
each step of the migration process:

Benefits for project team:

Use Cases

DMOne Platform

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