• Some Clients: Balfour Beatty, NHS-SBS, Galliford Try, Frulact, Wood, Wincanton, Clinigen. Make DMOne™ platform a part of your cloud implementation strategy

Incremental upload of employee data to support TUPE process for a Logistics business


Following a successful Oracle Cloud HCM implementation, the customer needed a simple and efficient method for collecting and importing data into Cloud HCM for TUPE transfers.

This was complicated by the need to maintain data in spreadsheets and then convert to the required HCM file formats, followed by error handling etc. leading to several days of activity for HR administration teams.

eAppSys provided a turn-key solution for loading information into the HCM cloud using the DMOne platform that allows HR staff to deal with the entire TUPE transfer process from within the DMOne platform. (from data collection to loading and reconciliation)



Oracle Cloud HCM

Employees and Related Information

Payroll Information


The project was delivered to schedule and the first TUPE transfer completed Jan 2022 within time and budget. The customer is now looking to identify other use cases that can be automated using DMOne.

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